Physics coursework on resistance in wires and variable lengths - Plan

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Physics coursework on resistance in wires and variable lengths by Neil


Resistance is a force which opposes the flow of an electric current around a circuit so that energy is required to push the charged particles around the circuit. The circuit itself can resist the flow of particles if the wires are either very thin or very long. e.g. The filament across an electric bulb is quite thin as needs to resist the flow of particles for the bulb to glow.
Resistance is measured in ohms.

George Ohm discovered that the emf of a circuit is directly proportional to the current flowing through the circuit. This means that if you triple one, you triple the other. He also discovered that a circuit sometimes resists the flow of electricity. He called this resistance. He then came up with a rule for working out the resistance of a circuit :

V/I = R

V - Volts
I - Current
R - Resistance.

Extra Background Information :

The total resistance of resistors in series is the sum of the resistance of each one. Each cm of wire has a particular resistance, if you double the length of wire, it is like having two of the shorter wires in series.

If the small resistor represents a short wire and the large resistor is a long wire of double the length of a short one. One short wire has a resistance of 1ohm, 2 short wires have a resistance of 2ohms when connected in series. The long wire is just like two short wires put together.

Aim : To investigate how the length affects the resistance of a wire.

Prediction :

I predict that if the length increases then the resistance will also increase in proportion to the length. I think this because as I know from my scientific knowledge that :

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Electric current is the movement of electrons through a conductor. In this experiment a metal wire (Nichrome will be the conductor). So when resistance is high, conductivity is low. Metals such as Nichrome conduct electricity well because the atoms in them do not hold on to their electrons very well. Free electrons are created, which carry a negative charge, to ¡¥jump¡¦ along the lines of atoms in a wire which are in a lattice structure. Resistance is when these electrons which flow towards the positive collide with other atoms, they transfer some of their kinetic energy. This transfer on collision ...

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