Physics Design Practical

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Physics Design Internal Assessment


Investigate one factor affecting the distance travelled by a weighted margarine tub when it is propelled along a runway by a stretched rubber band.

Focused Research Question

Does the amount of force applied affect the distance travelled by a weighted margarine tub when it is propelled along a runway by a stretched rubber band?


I think that the greater the force applied by the rubber band, the further the margarine tub will travel.

Graph 1: Predicted data results

This graph represents my hypothesis that the distance travelled by the margarine tub is proportional to the product of the force applied to the elastic band and the distance elastic band is pulled back

Background Information

When the elastic band is pulled back, the tub is put into place and you let go of the elastic band, the tub will travel a certain distance. The tub will stop due to energy and forces acting on the tub. The law of energy is that energy cannot be made or destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another or transferred from one place to another. When the elastic band is pulled back, tension in the band causes potential energy and when you let go, the potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy in the band, thus creating movement.

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One of the forces that affect the tub from continuously moving is friction. Friction works in opposition with the movement of the object. The surface of the tub is rough and the surface of the floor is also rough, so the two surfaces catch and the tub slows down. One other force slowing the tub down is air resistance. Air resistance is when the face of the tub collides with the air particles and will slow the movement of the tub down.

A force is a push or a pull and is measured in newtons. The band pushes the tub, ...

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