Physics Investigation - What factors affect the efficiency of siphoning?

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Physics Investigation - What factors affect the efficiency of siphoning?

  • Research & Rationale:

 I have chosen to investigate siphoning because as a kid I was always intrigued and puzzled by this “phenomena” when I used to clean my fish tank. The difficulty factor also played a major role. I wanted to do something which could be carried out comfortably in a relatively short time. An investigation, which is not so demanding on the practical side to allow more time for processing of the data captured.

On a more scientific note I am interested in mechanics of fluids.  This interest was enforced last year when I had the opportunity to attend a lecture on fluid mechanics at P&G. At the conference I greatly expanded my knowledge regarding the physical aspect of fluids and their properties. In last year’s AS course we have met a topic in this field. I will be applying ideas and knowledge gathered from last year for this investigation. I will also be looking at more complex concepts and ideas such as Reynolds’s number, the effect of temperature on viscosity and liquid density, which we have not met in last year’s course.

The areas I will be looking into are as follows:

1) The effect of the Pipe Diameter on flow rate.

     -  the effect of Pipe Diameter on liquid flow (turbulent/laminar)

2) The effect of Temperature of liquid on flow rate.

     -  the effect of Temperature on liquid flow (turbulent/laminar)

3) The effect of the Vertical height between source and destination of the fluid on flow rate.

     -  the effect of Vertical height on liquid flow (turbulent/laminar)

4) The effect of the Liquid’s Viscosity/Density on flow rate.

     -  the effect of Viscosity on liquid flow (turbulent/laminar)

I have consulted my teachers for guidance and I have also looked very carefully into the “the Suggestions papers” which contain many possible investigations which have been done in the past. I opted to choose neither of them but many aspects I will be looking into in my investigation are similar to those in the papers. The school library has many resources to our availability, which proved helpful in obtaining certain formulas and relations, which I will be applying in my work. The Internet was also a great source for information and with the aids of online  audio-visual presentations I was able to understand complicated ideas such as Archimedes law etc.

All the apparatus that I will be needing is readily available at school but prior to this knowledge I had stopped at the local aquarium store to check the availability and range of pipe sizes that will obviously be needed to carry out my investigation.

  • Planning:

Apparatus - 2 Beakers

                  4 plastic pipes (differing diameter)

                  Clamp + bosses




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A pilot run was carried out to make sure that no problems crop up while during the actual investigation. The pilot run was not designed to extract accurate readings but was more of a guide to make the design of the practical as efficient as possible in the real thing.

I carried all 4 points to investigate. I tested the siphoning process using extreme values as the variable. For example to test the effect of pipe diameter on water flow I compared the results of the smallest tube against the largest tube. The same goes for temperature. ...

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