physics of the bouncing ball

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Bouncing balls

Aim: The aim of my coursework is to investigate factors that affect the bounce height of a ball. Before I start my investigation I have brainstormed some ideas that will affect the height the ball will bounce to:

  • Temperature of the molecules inside the ball
  • Material of the ball
  • Mass of the ball
  • Drop height
  • Surface dropped onto
  • Whether it is dropped in a vacuum

After looking at the factors that affect the reaction of the ball I have decided to investigate the drop height and type of ball.  I made this decision because it was an investigation that I would be able carry out in the period of time I was allowed and I had the equipment and area available to me, to carry out the investigation. The only other one I could have possibly investigated would have been an Increase in temperature however I decided not to investigate this any further. I did not use a vacuum, as it would be an un-performable investigation to make within a school laboratory.  That is why I decided on the variables I did.

Hypothesis: I predict that as I increase the drop height of the balls the higher the bounce height will be. I am predicting this because as the ball is held higher it gains more gravitational potential energy therefore has more energy to convert to kinetic, or the energy released by the object, and will bounce higher. If my results follow the rules of law of conservation of energy to bouncing balls then the ball will bounce higher when dropped from a higher height.

Background information: It doesn't take much effort to lift a ball off the ground. However, work is being done to the ball as it is being lifted, giving it energy. This energy is potential energy. When the ball is dropped, the ball begins to move. The potential energy begins to be converted into kinetic energy - the energy of motion. Energy is defined as the ability to do work and work. Energy is measured in Joules. To help understand this concept, scientists have classified energy into two types or states. Potential energy is the energy acquired as work is being done to an object and kinetic energy is the energy released by the object as it is doing work. The amount of work put into an object, its potential energy, must always be equal to the amount of work the object can do, its kinetic energy. For example; the higher the ball is lifted off the ground, the higher it will bounce after hitting the ground. Experience tells us that the ball can never bounce back to its original height. The falling ball loses some of its energy to air friction, to internal forces within the ball, and to friction between the ball and the ground on impact. After impact, the ball and the spot directly under the ball are slightly warmer, as some of the energy is lost as heat.

The gravitational potential energy of an object, like a tennis ball, is related to its mass and the height to which the ball is lifted and can be expressed by the formula:

G.P.E (gravitational potential energy) = Weight X Height = MGH

You can see from the formula that the greater the weight and the higher the position of the ball, the greater the potential energy. The kinetic energy of the falling ball is related to the mass of ball (m) and its velocity (v). This mathematical relationship is expressed as:

Kinetic energy = ½ mv²

According to the equation, the heavier the ball and the faster it is moving, the greater the impact on the ground. Neglecting friction for the ball we're using, the potential energy before you drop the ball will be equal to the kinetic energy just before it hits the ground. However due to the air resistance (friction) the ball looses energy as it falls and will never bounce to its original height. It also release energy upon impact and the ball will compress slightly, changing the forces internally and externally. This lose of energy means that ball has less energy when bouncing back up and again loses energy when moving upwards, despite gaining G.P.E., due to friction.

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Different types of material will compress differently therefore will bounce and react differently on impact with a hard surface. A ball made from a soft material will compress a lot on impact and the hard surface will absorb all the energy causing the ball to bounce up only a little. A harder ball will not compress and will bounce up higher because less energy is lost on impact. If the material of the ball is fury (e.g. a tennis ball) then its surface area is likely to be larger therefore giving it a larger area to release energy on impact. ...

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