Physics P2 Topic Overview Coursework

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As Fast As You Can

Vector quantity – they have magnitude (size/speed/unit/distance) and direction

Speed – how fast you’re going

Velocity – speed in a given direction (vector quantity)

Displacement – the distance in a given direction (vector quantity)

Speed cameras work by taking two pictures, and then used formula (speed = distance/time)

Acceleration – how quickly velocity is changing. Change speed or change in direction.

Acceleration = Change in Velocity (two units taken away from eachother)/Time Taken

Graphs: the gradient is the acceleration. Straight line is steady speed, straight line going up is steady acceleration, and curved line going up is increasing acceleration.

Balanced force means steady speed (which could be stationary object).

Unbalance force means acceleration in the side that has the most force acting on it.

When something has no force applied to it, it will stop because of friction. (If you don’t accelerate a car it will stop eventually). To avoid resistance or drag from things they must be streamlined so that the resistance can travel over.

Terminal Velocity – maximum speed that something can reach with that force applying on it. Example: when car starts, it has less resistance, as time goes by: resistance equals the acceleration which means the car has reached its terminal velocity.


  • Balanced forces: it’ll stay at same speed
  • Unbalanced force (resultant force): object will accelerate in direction of force
  • Bigger force; more acceleration. Bigger force needed to move big mass

Force = Mass x Acceleration                 Example: Forced needed for 12kg at 5m/s is 60N

If you apply a force on a wall if exerts the same force on to you.

The distance a car needs to stop is calculated by: Thinking and Braking Distance.

Thinking distance:

  • Speed
  • Mentality; drugs, tired, alcohol
  • Visibility; rain, snow, dirty windows, darkness

Breaking Distance:

  • Speed
  • Weight; more force must be applied to stoop a heavy car
  • Brakes; shit breaks take longer to stop
  • Grip; road surface, weather, tyres: if grip is shit it’ll take longer to stop

Momentum (kg m/s) (vector quantity) = Mass (kg) x Velocity (m/s):

More mass/velocity, the more momentum: momentum is force of something hitting something else. Force causes change in momentum.

Force acting = Change in Momentum (kg m/s) / Time Take for Change

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Cars are designed to slow people down over a longer time when they crash (longer for change in momentum):

  • Crumple Zone – bonnets take a long time crumple
  • Seat Belts – stretch so there is less force acting on chest
  • Air bags – slow you down

Roller coasters and Relativity

Energy is always transferred; Food enables us to move (Chemical  Kinetic)

Work Done = Force x Distance

Kinetic Energy (moving) = ½ Mass x Velocity²

Energy’s unit is Joules.

Potential Energy = Mass x Grams x Height

Energy ...

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