Physics research study - vehicle safety and braking distances

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Physics Write up


Thinking Distance

  • Thinking distance - It takes time for a driver to react to a situation. During this reaction time the car carries on moving. The thinking distance is the distance travelled in between the driver realising he needs to brake and actually braking.
  • Braking distance - The braking distance is the distance taken to stop once the brakes are applied.

The thinking distance and stopping distance add together make the stopping distance the stopping distance is how far you went before you finally stopped. The stopping distance is your thinking distance and stopping distance added together.

The formula for working out the stopping distance is:

Stopping distance = thinking

Distance + braking distance

2.)  There are variety of factors that affect the thinking distance one of the main factors is tiredness.

 Tiredness increases the breaking distance because

when you are tired  Your brain thinks slower  and you will not be able to apply the brakes as quickly.

Another factor that increases thinking distance is being under the influence drugs or alcohol this has been a huge economic issue for the government they have spent millions of pounds promoting the awareness of drunk driving (40% of all traffic fatalities are because of alcohol

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  And to combat this they have introduced drinking limits.  Being under the influence - even legally - seriously alters how well you can judge hazards. Your body also moves less accurately. Late or missed braking results.

Also is the driver is distracted in any way or is not fully concentrating this increases the thinking distance.

Poor visibility is also a common factor this delays the time before the driver realises he needs to apply the breaks.

Thinking distance can be decreased
by using 
road signs to warn the driver that they might have to stop soon.
more alert a driver is, the faster their reaction time,
quicker they can apply the brakes
and the 
smaller is the thinking distance.

Factors affecting the breaking distance

In general


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There is little structure to this report and the information has clearly been taken from a variety of sources without being referenced. 1. The report needs a title. 2. Use subheadings to give the report structure. 3. Use one font throughout and do not include colour changes. *** (3 stars)