Producing a pure culture of bacteria form a mixture.

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Producing a pure culture of bacteria form a mixture.

Ishita Patel _                                                                        09/10/02

The bacterium that we are sub culturing is called Bacillus Subtilis. The aim of the experiment is to isolate pure cultures, as individual colonies.


        Two sterile petri dishes 1) containing a pre-set layer of sterile nutrient agar

                                            2) An unfilled, sterile petri dish

The petri dishes used to subculture bacteria are disposable.

 Inoculating loop

 Bunsen Burner

 Disinfectant solution, i.e. Dettol

 Paper towels


 Marker pen        

 Fresh, warm (50’c - 60’c), sterile nutrient agar. ( Agar is a mixture of seaweed and nutrients)

Aseptic techniques:

Thought out the experiment we followed various aseptic techniques.

The aim of these aseptic techniques was to avoid contamination from other sources of bacteria, i.e. pathogens

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These bacterial may not be initial harmful, however if they enter our petri dish, they may find the conditioned to grow, results in;

  1. The unknown bacteria could mutant, perhaps resulting in the mutation of harmful pathogens.
  2. In general, the unknown bacteria could interfere with the experiment, giving incorrect results.


         Washed your hands with bacterial soap, and then cleaned the working area with a paper towel that had been soaked in a disinfectant solution. This is to maintain a sterile environment and to kill any other potentially harmful bacteria.

        In a water bath, set at ...

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