Production of a pond kit modelling calculator.

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Task 3 - Production of a Pond Kit Modelling Calculator


In terms of the input, there is very little data that needs to be input in order for the calculations to be performed. The variable inputs would only be the length, width and depth of the pond (from the customer's specification) which would be inserted manually. This would work alongside data embedded in the formula, relating to the cost of the products involved (for example, the cost of the pond liner would be determined using the length/width specification and the cost of the lining). This price information would be obtained from the candidate booklet.

The mainstay of the task here lies in the processing. A variety of formulae will be implemented. The way in which they are used is linear, allowing progression through the customer's report so each cost is accounted for:

The customer enters the length/width/depth data in metres

The length/width of the pond liner/underliner is calculated using the formula

(2.5 x depth) + Length or depth respectively. From this the area of the liners are calculated (length of liner x width of liner) as well as the perimeter (2 x (length of liner + width of liner)). The overall cost of the liner/underliner is determined by multiplying the area of the lining by £4.40 (for the liner) and by £0.90 (for the underliner) and combining the sums.

The next (and final step) involves first working out the number and cost of the underwater plant bunches. This is done by creating a formula that multiplies the area of liner by 5 (as there are 5 bunches to every m2 of liner). However in addition to this, since fractions of plant bunches cannot be sold, the number must be rounded up, regardless of the decimal figure. The cost of these plants would be arrived at by multiplying the number by £0.50. The next stage is to work out the number and cost of the decorative plant packs. This is done by multiplying the perimeter of the pond by 1, and applying the same rounding up procedure as for the underwater plant bunches. The cost is obtained by multiplying the number of packs by £3.50. The final step is to obtain the sum of the liners, underwater plants, decorative plant packs and in addition a water lily (£8.50) and a fountain (£55.00)
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The output at the end of this should an A4 printed report that takes up one side. The customer's name and the Plant House Garden Centre will head the page and descending the page will be distinct sections detailing the parameters and cost of the liner, underwater plants, decorative plant packs, additional items and the overall cost.

In order to fulfil each section of the task I need an appropriate spreadsheet software package - and for that I have chosen Microsoft (c) Excel 97/XP. It is a well - renowned piece of software and is specifically ideal ...

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