Resistance of a Wire

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Background scientific knowledge


Electricity is the movement of charge (electrons) around a circuit. The charge flows throw conductors which allow the electrons to pass through. An object which does not allow electrons to pass through is an insulator.

Conductors intended to have resistance are called resistors (symbol            )

Voltage- given the symbol V, measured in volts using a voltmeter

Current- given the symbol I, measured in Amperes using an ammeter  

Metallic structure diagram


Resistance is the ability to prevent or resist the flow of electrical current. Resistance occurs in an electrical circuit because of a collision between electrons and atoms, which slows the electrons down and converts some of their KE to heat energy. Resistance is measured in Ohms (Ω).


Arrow shows direction of electron movement through the wire.


Factors which affect resistance

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Length of wire – this is being investigated
Thickness of a wire – in a thin wire there are more possible paths for the electrons to pass through, therefore more electrons can flow through at one time, this increases the current which increases the resistance.

Material of wire - wires of different densities will block more or less electrons
Temperature - the vibration of warm molecules makes them more likely to collide with electrons, and resistance increases with temperature.


Independent- length

Dependent   - Voltage, current to measure, resistance

Controlled    - Temperature, material of wire, cross sectional area


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In the method punctuation is inconsistent and this should be addressed so the writing does not look 'sloppy.' Otherwise, spelling, grammar and punctuation are to a good standard. The layout of the essay is good with clear subheadings for each different section.

The candidate includes a background scientific knowledge section which is really good because it helps the reader understand that the candidate possesses all basic knowledge to make an accurate prediction about the experiment they are carrying out with solid scientific knowledge. Factors which affect resistance and why they do so are outlined well. Factors other than the one being investigated should be kept continuous so they do not bias the experiment. The candidate understands this, hence this is controlled by the candidate which shows a high level of understanding of resistance in this instance. The candidate outlines the method and how he will keep these constant, but one or two of the instructions are hard to interpret so the candidate should make this clearer to ensure the reader knows exactly what they are doing. The prediction of the candidate is good and draws on valid scientific knowledge to make a valid hypothesis.

A well set out experiment for this level. The candidate outlines the scientific knowledge of resistance well and relate it to the experiment to get an accurate prediction of what will happen during their experiment and what will be shown in their results. It is good to back any statement up with valid scientific knowledge as this shows a deeper understanding of the subject and consideration of the experiment and what the results will mean. The candidate makes an accurate evaluation of the experiment but they could include further improvements upon the problems they encountered but this is only an addition as they already provide a good range of possibilities. The conclusion is accurate based on the rest of the experiment.