Resistance of a wire.

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GCSE PHYSICS COURSEWORK - Resistance of a wire.

Aim- I am investigating the factors that affect the resistance of a wire.


  1. The length of a wire affects the resistance because it is easier for a current to travel a shorter distance.
  2. The temperature of the wire affects the resistance because the heat will make the wire vibrate more so it will be harder to pass electrons on.
  3. The thickness of a wire affects the resistance because the wire will have more surface area so it will be easier to pass through a thicker wire.
  4. The material of the wire affects the resistance because some materials are more resistant than others and then materials like copper pass on electrons very easy.
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We have chosen to do the lengths of the wire because it will be easy to carry out and our results should be very accurate for the simplicity of this experiment.

Prediction- My prediction is that the shorter the wire the lower the resistance.


  1. Wire
  2. Crocodile clips
  3. Ruler
  4. Ammeter
  5. Voltmeter
  6. Power pack

Method- In our experiment we will use 1 metre of nickel chrome wire. We will attach the wire to a metre ruler and then we will create a circuit-

When we have our circuit made we will attach a crocodile ...

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