road accidents

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What can be done to reduce road accidents in Portugal?

It 7.

recent In fact, one of texplanations road accidents in fantastic , on road safety and accident prevention,

from highways ,Ireland (7),country in terms of highways increase,

Ain ,the number of cars raised.


Portugal: light blue line

2. Scientific Aspects

   2.1 Cars

Each year cars are getting better due to new technologies. Now many cars are starting to incorporate technologies like ABS which do not let cars slip, preventing many accidents. Air Bags also protect people from getting hurt, protecting the body from hitting in a hard surface.

 Many other scientific aspects are used in cars construction, which contribute to make them more comfortable and safer, reducing road accidents. Even the lights are getting better, stronger and easy to manage, automatically directed.

Car stability is also getting better due to better suspensions and to electronic systems which alert you when something is wrong. Tires are always involving and there are now tires which do not even have air in them so that, for example, nails don’t damage it and lead to a crash.

2.2 Roads

Roads are also getting better. They are getting safer with less tight angle curves. They have berms which warn you with a sound, when people change track, which may awake a tired driver.

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Now, the roads also have panels which alert passengers of possible dangers, for example, fog, rain, traffic, accidents or road maintenance.

2.3 Police inspection

Now there are radars which control velocity in the roads which prevent people from going to fast, which could put other people in danger. There are meters inside trucks, which keep track of the velocity; so that police officers can check the speed at what the truck was in the last few weeks.

2.4 Future

When communications are faster, cars will likely be forced to be equipped with a GPS system which ...

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Here's what a star student thought of this essay

Some use of scientific terminology, however further revision would benefit the candidate in this area. Failed to use high powered english throughout and used too many commas in some paragraphs.

In the essay there were a handful of good points, however quotes beginning with 'As my father says..' are unrealiable as this is not a legitimate scientific source.

The candidate failed to respond clearly to the 'what can be done' part of the the question. However, there were clear points highlighting the causes of road safety, which was excellently supported by a graph. There were some vague comments as to how road safety could be increased, but none of them lead on to why their implementation would increase road safety.