Scientific Investigation: How Temperature Affects The Rate Of Reaction Between Magnesium And Hydrochloric Acid!

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Scientific Investigation: How Temperature Affects The Rate Of Reaction Between Magnesium And Hydrochloric Acid!


        I’m planning on investigating how temperature effects the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid, the experiment will show whether the reaction will speed up or slow down with the change in temperature. Temperatures will range from room temp up until 70 degrees.

        The investigation will be a fair test because all quantities will remain the same for each test, each test will use the same amounts of hydrochloric acid and same size of magnesium, also the concentration of the acid will also not be changed.


  • Conical flask
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Thermometer
  • Tri-pod
  • Protective matt
  • Stopwatch
  • Gauze
  • Measuring jug
  • Goggles

Whilst doing the experiment there are many things that will have to remain the same in order to keep the tests fair, these include amounts and measurements as well as concentration and size and shape of the magnesium e.g. long strands. The temperature how ever will be the main change in the experiment, this is the only factor to change in less problems occur where a change is not optional. For each temperature the test will be taken three times to make sure that the results are correct and as accurate as possible, an average will be taken to give a clear and single result.

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A diagram of the apparatus I intend on using and how it will be assembled;


Safety- To ensure that the investigation is safe I will make sure that all equipment it correctly assembled, and I am wearing the appropriate safety wear and that everybody around is either dressed correctly or far enough away. Also the investigation will be performed in a sensible manner and there is no dangerous behaviour.


        When the experiment is taking ...

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