Sensor Project

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Sensor Project

Liquid level based on flotation and a rotary potentiometer


By using a rotary potentiometer connected to a cylindrical float plastic, measure the water level in a tank filling with water, as the water level moves up, the float attached to the rotary potentiometer will moves accordingly as it floats on top of the water. Find out the relationship between the volume of water and the voltage using the potentiometer as it move accordingly with the level of water.

Rotary potentiometer                        - Movement to cause change of voltage

Float arm                                                - Connect the polystyrene to the potentiometer

Circular Polystyrene                        - Moves as level of water goes up

Measuring Cylinder                        - Measure the amount of water added

Digital Meter                                        - Measure the voltage across the potentiometer

Clamp                                                - Hold the potentiometer above the tank

Tank                                                        - Contain water

Power pack                                        - Supply power to the potentiometer

Protractor                                                - Measure the angle of the float arm movement

The Sensor

Potentiometer - A variable resistor that functions as a voltage divider.

Measurements to record in the experiment:

Volume of Water added each time

Angle of Movement of the float arm

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Voltage across the Potentiometer

I am going to take these three measurements to investigate the relationship of the volume of water and the voltage of potentiometer when water is added to the tank.

As the tank is rectangular shape, the volume of water is proportional to the height of water, which makes it easier to measure the volume of water instead of the height of water as the amount can be clearly recorded each time water is added to the tank.

Polystyrene is a light weight material which has a lower density than water meaning it will maintain its ...

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