Sodium Thiosulphate Investigation

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No.QuestionAnswer1What is the middle of the atom called?The nucleus. 2What two types of particle are found here?Protons and neutrons. 3The electrons are arranged in shells (also called energy levels). How many can be held in the first shell?Two. 4How many can be held in the second shell?Eight. 5How many can be held in the third shell?Eight. 6Where are the non-metals located in the periodic table?In the top right-hand corner. 7What are the horizontal rows in the periodic table called?Periods. 8What are the vertical columns called?Groups. 9What is the name of Group 1?The Alkali Metals. 10What is the name of Group 7?The Halogens. 11What is the name of Group 0?The Noble Gases. 12Elements in the same group have the same number of what?The same number of outer electrons. 13Do elements in the same group have similar chemical or similar physical properties?Similar chemical properties. 14Elements in the periodic table are arranged in order of what?Increasing atomic
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number. 15Which of these elements has the greatest atomic number?Element B. 16What is the electron arrangement of element C?2.8.7 17What is the electron arrangement of element E?2.8.1 18Which of the elements are very reactive metal and why?Elements D & E - they are in Group 1 (The alkali metals). 19Which of the elements is a very unreactive non-metal and why?Element F - it is in Group 0 (The noble gases). 20Name the first four halogens.1. Fluorine 2. Chlorine 3. Bromine 4. Iodine 21What happens to the reactivity of the halogens as you go down the group (increasing atomic number)?They become ...

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