Space Physics.

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Space Physics                                                                                            Matt Lewin | 5SLW - 2003

Space Physics

1a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

b) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Pluto 

c) The masses of the planets (times 10^24 kg):

Jupiter: 1898.8; Saturn: 568.50; Neptune: 102.78; Uranus: 86.625; Earth: 5.9742; Venus: 4.8690; Mars: 0.64191; Mercury: 0.33022; Pluto: 0.015

2b) Polar orbit is an orbit with orbital inclination of around 90(, when the satellite will pass over each pole at least once during its journey around the Earth.

A geo-stationary orbit is when the satellite appears to be stationary.  It is when the satellite is always in the same position in respect to the Earth.

3a) A comet is a mixture of ices and dust, that for some reason did not become planets when the Solar System was formed.  Comets are invisible, except when they pass near the Sun and have highly eccentric orbits, and can often disappear for millennia at a time.  They have long tails, made up of plasma and dust sized particles that can stretch for up to 10 million km.

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b) Comets have highly eccentric orbits, which can take them far beyond Pluto.  Sometimes they will be seen, and then disappear for thousands of years before being sighted again. 

c) Comets travel fastest nearest the Sun, often travelling up to 15 miles a second.

4a) The Sun produces energy through nuclear fusion.  This is when hydrogen atoms are broken down and the particles move around at high speeds.  This causes the hydrogen atoms to join to form helium.  Mass is lost in the process and reappears as energy.

Hydrogen         ...

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