Studies On Vitamin C Degradation in Fruit.

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Studies On Vitamin C Degradation in Fruit.

Introduction and background.

Vitamin C is of vital significance in the metabolism of most organisms, however interestingly the primates including monkeys and man, guinea pigs and the Indian fruit bat are the only known higher species to be susceptible to the lack of the vitamin However micro-organisms do not form this chemical. In other words ascorbic acid is not synthesised within the cells of these species. Normally the liver is the site of ascorbic acid formation, but in birds, reptiles and amphibians the site of synthesis is the kidneys.

The chemical is widely distributed in brain tissue at around 150mg/Kg, in the lens of the eye 250mg/Kg and in the adrenals 400mg/Kg. Tissue levels are highest at birth and greatly reduce in old age.

A large percentage in any foodstuff is lost on storage or cooking. It is also known that addition of sodium bicarbonate to maintain the green colour of vegetable during cooking can destroy 70-90% of Vitamin C content

The deficiency disease associated with this vitamin is known as scurvy. This is characterised by problems associated with connective tissues, including failure of normal bone formation in children, poor wound healing and increased capillary fragility leading to haemorrhage (especially in the skin, together with effects on teeth and gums. The minimum intake in infants to prevent scurvy is around 10mg per day. Workers in very cold climates should have an intake of around 150-250 mg per day.

To complete the discussion of biological significance here Ascorbic acid is required for the formation of hydroxyproline and collagen with insufficient hydroxyproline is unstable. The triple helical structure of this tissue is known to fall apart and the protein is rapidly degraded. This results in loss of connective tissue. Early symptoms of scurvy include loss of weight, anaemia and fatigue.

Further the adrenal cortex contains appreciable amounts of ascorbic acid which may function in the synthesis of steroid hormones in the adrenal gland. Ascorbic acid is thought to be involved in hydroxylation reactions and in electron transport in the microsomal region of the cell. The former Nobel prize winner  Linus Pauling claimed that huge intakes i.e. greater than 500mg per day would in humans prevent colds, however little evidence thus far backs up this hypothesis. Other workers on the internet are promoting the value of Vitamin C in controlling cancer and viruses. Certainly for cancers , the idea ties in with vitamin C having a scavenging role for free radicals, and food manufacturers add the chemical to prevent oxidation of some foods, particularly those containing high levels of fat.

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Ascorbic acid is an enediol of a hexose sugar and the reduced or enediol form is readily oxidised to form dehyroascorbic acid. Both forms are biologically active, except after treatment with alkali.

In the method to be used here Ascorbic acid can be oxidised by the coloured dye 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) to dehydroascorbic acid. The dye is reduced to the colourless compound (leuco dye) so that the end point can be readily determined. DCPIP is available commercially in tablet form, where 1 tablet is equivalent to 1mg of ascorbic ...

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