The aim of my experiment is to see how the resistance of a filament bulb changes with temperature. I am trying to find out if the filament bulb obeys ohms law.

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Year 10 Coursework

Filament bulb

Aaron Evans

The aim of my experiment is to see how the resistance of a filament bulb changes with temperature. I am trying to find out if the filament bulb obeys ohms law.

My Apparatus

·        Power pack (2v-12v)

·        Filament Lamp

·        Variable Resistor

·        Voltmeter

·        Ammeter

·        Wires

The Circuit looks like this :-

Variable :- My Variable is the variable resistor i will change this a total of eight times I am keeping the powerpack the same all though the expirment. the variable resistor will give diffrent readings i change it, eight results should be sufficiant.

Fair Test :-To keep this a fair test  i will keep the circuit the same use the same bulb same powerpack same variable resistor same ameter, wires and voltmeter i will chanage the variable resistor equally though the experiment, and the voltage on the powerpack will be the same all the way though.

Messure :- In my experiment, the voltage(V) and current(I). The voltage is measured in volts with a voltmeter. the current will be measured in amps with the ampmeter, I will use these results to calculate the resistance using  V/I=R.

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Safety :- For safety reasons i will make sure that i dont touch the filiament bulb because it can become very hot, also i must make sure the circuit is wired up properly

Method :-Firstly I am going to set up the circuit (Fig 1) I will then start by postioning the variable resistor at it’s lowest point then move it constantly every time I move it I will read what the voltmeter and ammeter say and note them done I will leave the power pack on     Volts.

I will then plot the results on a graph. my ...

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