The aim of my investigation was to determine how limiting factors would affect the rate of photosynthesis in a plant.

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Aim: The aim of my investigation was to determine how limiting factors would affect the                   rate of photosynthesis in a plant.

It all begins at the bottom of the food chain with green plants being the producers. All the food in the world is made by plants; they use energy in sunlight to make food. This process is called photosynthesis. Plants need two chemicals to make this food- one is water which they get from the soil. The other is carbon dioxide which thy get from the air. They also need sunlight energy which is used to make the water and carbon dioxide react together. Water and carbon dioxide are ignorant substances (not made by living things). They usually have molecules. These three things are sometimes called raw materials. The reaction between the two chemicals (using sunlight) produces two new substances–  glucose and water. Glucose is an organic substance (made by all living things) which usually have large molecules. The energy you get from glucose was once sunlight energy and somewhere in the world a plant converted it into chemical energy which your body can now use. Plants are living food factories.

The production of glucose and oxygen can be written as a word equation;



                WATER + CARBON DIOXIDE            GLUCOSE + OXYGEN


                                   The balanced molecular equation for this is;


                                 6H2O (1) + 6CO2 (G)      →      C6H12O6 (AQ) + 6O2 (G)


All plants are green, the green color is chlorophyll. It is a very important substance, without it photosynthesis couldn’t happen. Chlorophyll is a complex molecule which is imbedded in the thylakoids membrane which absorbs light. The thylakoids membrane is found in the chloroplasts. These molecules are the most important pigments for absorbing the light energy used in photosynthesis. A chlorophyll molecule has a hydrophobic ‘tail’ that embeds the molecule into the thylakoid membrane. The hydrophobic tail is made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen based molecules. The ‘head’ of a chlorophyll molecule is ring called porphyrin. The porphyrin ring of chlorophyll, which has a magnesium atom at its center, is the part of a chlorophyll membrane that absorbs light energy. This energy is used to make carbon dioxide react with water to make glucose.

Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts which are double membrane bound organelles which enclose additional membranes called thylakoids. The disc shaped thylakoids posses an interior space. The thylakoids are stacked to form grana, which are suspended in the stroma of the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are found in most plant cell. Most photosynthesis happens in leaves but other parts of plants above ground can photosynthesize. Stems may contain chloroplasts and so can things like peapods. If it contains chloroplasts then it can photosynthesize.


Leaves are very thin, yet they are made up of many layers. The cells which contain chloroplasts and photosynthesize are in the middle layers. These layers are called the mesophyll layer which means ‘middle leaf’. A mesophyll is a parenchyma tissue. It is a true assimilation tissue. Assimilation tissues are all those tissues that are made from chloroplast-containing cells and are thus able to perform photosynthesis. They are found in all green parts of a plant. An important aspect of photosynthesis is the integration of carbon dioxide into organic compounds. The resulting products are summed up as assimilates. Mesophyll is in the leaves of most ferns and phanerogams; it is organized into palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma. The typical leaf is of a dorsiventral structure. The palisade parenchyma is usually directly beneath the epidermis of the upper surface of the leaf. The spongy parenchyma fills the space beneath the palisade parenchyma. It is interspersed with a voluminous intercellular system, whose cavities are in direct contact with the atmosphere via the stomata.

The cells of the palisade parenchyma are cylindrical and contain three to five as many chloroplasts as those of the spongy parenchyma. The chloroplasts stay usually near the cells wall, since this adjustment guarantees optimal use of light. The development and particularly the differentiation of the palisade parenchyma are influenced by external factors like light and the CO2 content of the atmosphere. In many species, it is distinguished between sun and shade leaves. Sun leaves have been exposed to large quantities of light during ontogenesis. This results in a multilayered palisade parenchyma. Shade leaves in contrast perceive only a little light, the palisade parenchyma stays single layered. The enlargement of the palisade parenchyma causes usually a reduction of the spongy parenchyma, which is accordingly less well developed in sun leaves. As important as the exposition to light is the leaf's position at the stem. Old leaves that live near the soil do often have a palisade parenchyma of just one layers thickness, while younger ones at the top of the plant have normally multi-layered palisade parenchyma’s.

The variability of the cells of the spongy parenchyma and that of its organization is even greater than that of the palisade parenchyma. It is often said to be an aerenchyma, since it is characterized by a large number of connected intercellular spaces. This does not mean that the contact between palisade parenchyma and intercellular spaces is less well developed. On the other hand the proportion of palisade parenchyma that is in contact with the intercellular space is larger than that of the spongy parenchyma. The elongated and cylindrical shape of the cells enables only selective contact to neighboring cells even at close packing. The spongy parenchyma shows larger contact areas as well as cell-to-cell contacts between palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma and between spongy parenchyma and cells of the vascular bundles. This is also the reason why water and assimilate transport proceeds without losses.

         The other two layers in the leaf are the protective layers on the top and bottom called the epidermis. The cells in the epidermis make a waxy substance which spreads out over the leaf called the cuticle. The lower epidermis has holes (stomata) in it which open directly into the inside of the leaf. They are very small but can be seen through a microscope. Each stoma has a pair of special cells surrounding it, called guard cells which can open or close the stomata. In light the guard cells swell, causing the pore to be at its widest and CO2 diffuses into the leaf and into the cells to be assimilated in photosynthesis. In the dark or under drought conditions the guard cells are not turgid, the stomata are closed and no photosynthesis takes place. Opening of the stomata not only allows CO2 to diffuse into the leaf, but allows water to diffuse out of the leaf. The alteration in the size of the stomata occurs in response to a variety of the external stimuli such as light, carbon dioxide concentration and water. 

The main food producing part of the leaf is the palisade layer. The raw materials for photosynthesis must be delivered to the cells in the palisade parenchyma as swiftly as possible. Carbon dioxide gets into the leaf through the stomata. A very small part of the air -0.04%- is carbon dioxide which diffuses through the open stomata into the spongy parenchyma. As the leaf is so thin, it quickly diffuses all the way to the chloroplasts in the palisade parenchyma.

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Water is brought to the leaf in tubes called xylem vessels. These are very long tubes which run all the way up from the roots of the plants through its stem and into the leaves. The veins of a leaf contain xylem vessels. Branches of xylem vessels run closely to every part of a leaf so each palisade cell is provided with a constant supply of water. The carbon dioxide and water enter the chloroplasts in the palisade cells where chlorophyll is absorbing sunlight. The carbon dioxide and water react together. Glucose and oxygen is created.

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