The aim of the experiment is to identify 6 unknown colourless liquids by carrying out different chemical reactions on each of the liquids.

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The aim of the experiment is to identify 6 unknown colourless liquids by carrying out different chemical reactions on each of the liquids.

Flow chart showing tests/ reactions to identify the liquids.

a) Bromoethane

b) Butan-1- ol

c) Cyclohexene

d) Ethanoic Acid

e) 2-Methylpropan-2-ol

f) Water

a b c d e f

Forms CO2 gas and a white precipitate when reacting with sodium hydrogen carbonate.

Yes No

d- Ethanoic Acid a b c e f

Decolourises bromine water

Yes No

c- Cyclohexene a b e f

Forms a pale cream precipitate when reacting with silver nitrate solution.

Yes No

a- Bromoethane b e f

Colour change occurs from orange to green when reacting with acidified potassium dichromate (vi)

Yes No

b- Butan-1-ol e f

Turns blue cobalt chloride paper pink

Yes No

f- Water e

Reacts with concentrated Hydrochloric acid, and Chlorine is substituted in place of the OH group. It then reacts with bromine water, decolourising the solution.


e- 2-Methylpropan-2-ol

Background Information & Methods for Testing:


Bromoethane is a haloalkane. Haloalkanes have the general formula of CnH2n+1X where the X represents the halogen.

Bromoethane is a primary haloalkane. Carbon1 is attached to two hydrogen atoms and one alkyl group, hence a primary haloalkane.

Molecular formula: C2H5Br = CH3CH3Br

Structural formula of Bromoethane:


Hydrogen Atoms

Bromine Atom

Alkyl Group

To identify Bromoethane, I will react each of the unidentified liquids with silver nitrate. On reacting, the alkane will form a pale cream precipitate called silver bromide.

In a boiling tube, add 10cm3 of dilute alkali solution in ethanol. Then add 5cm3 of the liquid to the boiling tube and place into a waterbath for 5 minutes. Next, acidify the solution with 1cm3 of nitric acid and then add 1cm3 of silver nitrate solution.
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As a result, a pale cream precipitate of silver bromide will be formed. (1)

Equation for the reaction:

AgNO3 + HNO3

C2H5Br C2H5OH + AgBr

Bromoethane Ethanoic Acid Silver Bromide


Both 2-Methylpropan-2-ol and Butan-1-ol are alcohols. They have the general formula CnH2n+1OH. Alcohols consist of carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms and an OH group.

An example of an alcohol is ethanol, known as alcohol; a drink consumed by people worldwide. Ethanol is produced by fermenting glucose forming two products: Ethanol and Carbon Dioxide:



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