The effect of change in concentration of Hydrochloric Acid On its reaction with Magnesium metal.

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The effect of change in concentration of Hydrochloric Acid

On its reaction with Magnesium metal

        Magnesium is a light, shiny grey metallic element, with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. Magnesium is found in group two of the periodic table. It is a reactive metal giving vigorous reactions towards acids. Magnesium is used in alloys, flash photography, flares, fireworks and flash bulbs.

        Hydrochloric Acid, HCL, is a typical monobasic acid and is corrosive. It releases hydrogen ions when it is added to water and certain metals and has a Ph of less than 7.


        Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid               Magnesium chloride + Hydrogen

(Information from chemistry- Martin Stirrup, exercise book and internet)

        For a chemical reaction to happen the particles need to collide with each other and they need a certain amount of energy to break the bonds. As I dilute the acid and the concentration becomes less the reaction will become slower as there is less energy to break the bonds.


        The variables I could use are:

  • Temperature: increase of temperature produces an increase in the rate of reaction.

  • Size of strips: when one of the reactants is a solid, the reaction must take place on the surface area of the solid. By breaking up the solid into smaller pieces, the surface area is increased, giving a greater area of collisions to take place.
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  • Catalyst: lowers the activation energy for the reaction. Many more collisions are ‘successful’, and the reaction is faster.

  • Pressure: increase in pressure forces the particles closer together. This causes more collisions and increases the rate of reaction.

  • Concentration: in solutions of higher concentrations particles are closer together. This means they have a greater chance of colliding.

        The variable we are going to change is the concentration of acid.                The factors we are going to control are the ½ cm pieces of Magnesium ribbon and 100ml of ...

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