The effect of Hydrocholric acid on the Rate of Reaction

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The Effect of Hydrochloric Acid on the Rate of Reaction


My aim is to see if there is any change in the rate of reaction if the concentration of the acid increases.


The independent variable in the experiment is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid; the concentrations are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5M. The dependent variable will be the rate of reaction of the acid. The control variable is the amount of the concentration, the temperature of the acid and the time that the zinc is inside the acid.


My prediction is that as the concentration of the acid increases the zinc will react more but not necessarily quicker. In order for any reaction to happen, the particles must first collide. If the concentration is higher, the chances of collision are greater, thus resulting in a greater rate of reaction.

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First I filled five different test tubes with the five different concentrations of the acid. I measured all of them to 20cm3. Then I collected five different pieces of zinc, and then weighed them on a scale. I recorded these results for later use. I made sure the temperature of the acids was the same using thermometers.  I placed each piece of zinc in a different concentration and started the stop watch. After forty-five minutes I removed each piece of zinc and dried them with tissue paper. I then measured them with the same scales I had used before ...

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This laboratory report is of a reasonable quality. It is limited by the lack of data collected. Improvements have been suggested throughout.