The effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis.

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Biology Science Investigation:

The effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis.

When you turn the lamp on, the plant produces oxygen bubbles. The graph shows that when the lamp is close to the plant (15cm or less) the number of bubbles produced is high (between 60-65). After 15cm the graph falls rapidly to below 15 bubbles produced gets smaller as the lamp moves further away.  The majority of the results are predictable, as you would expect that the closer the lamp is to the plant the faster the rate of photosynthesis.

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The bubbles are produced as a product of photosynthesis light energy is used to make food for the plant (glucose) and oxygen (the bubbles) is a product of this. The photosynthesis reaction is:

                Carbon dioxide+water       light          oxygen+glucose


The chlorophyll absorbs as much light as possible, so the closer the lamp the more light energy ...

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