The effect of sugar concentration on potato tissue - Osmosis

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Laura Smith


The effect of sugar concentration on potato tissue

Scientific Background Knowledge


Osmosis is very important in plant cells. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Osmosis is the passive movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane. 

In a plant cell, it is the cell membrane which acts as the partially permeable membrane. This is due to the small holes within it, which allow small molecules to pass through, but not large ones. The cell membrane separates the contents of the cell from the outside. During osmosis, water diffuses from the weaker solution (high water concentration) into the stronger solution (low water concentration.) Small molecules such as water, can diffuse across the membrane, but not the large solute particles, such as glucose.

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Turgid Cells

Osmosis makes plant cells swell up, if they are surrounded by weak (hypotonic) solutions. This is because the cell sap in the vacuole of the plant cell is of a high sugar concentration (low water concentration) therefore the water molecules move from the hypotonic solution into the vacuole by osmosis. Water is passing IN to the cell which makes the vacuole  expand push against the cell wall. Eventually the cell will contain as much water as it can hold and becomes TURGID. The plant cell is prevented from bursting by the strong cellulose cell ...

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