The Effect of Temperature on Rates of Reaction.

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By Claire Nolan

The Effect of Temperature on Rates of Reaction


Planning the Investigation

What do you expect to find out?

   In my experiment I am trying to find out if changing the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate will increase or decrease the rate of reaction (how fast a reaction takes)  when mixed with hydrochloric acid. Or how changing the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate will affect how long the X took to be no longer visible or how long the solution took to cloud over.

What results do you expect to get?

   I think that the results will be that the higher the temperature of the sodium Thiosulphate the faster the rate of reaction will be. As you increase the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate the rate of reaction will be faster when you mix it with the hydrochloric acid (which is at room temperature 20’C)

Why do you think you will get this result?

   I think this will happen because, I can justify this prediction by relating to the “Collision Theory” , when the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate is increased, the particles in the Sodium Thiosulphate will have more energy. Particles with more energy are more likely to collide with other particles of the hydrochloric acid. So when the temperature is increased each time thus the particles will move faster and will collide faster with the hydrochloric acid particles when mixed together.  So the faster the particles will react the faster the rate of reaction which backs up my prediction.

What will you keep the same in your investigation to ensure a fair test?

   To ensure a fair test I will use the same standard of judgement each time for judging when the X on the piece of paper has disappeared as this could spoil the experiment and my results may not be accurate. Also I will make sure that the measuring cylinders for the Sodium Thiosulphate and the Hydrochloric Acid will not be mixed up. Also I will ensure that the volume of Hydrochloric acid will remain at 10cm3 each time and the volume of Sodium Thiosulphate will remain fixed at 40cm3. Also during the heating stage of the experiment I will make sure that I use a blue flame throughout, also I will keep the Bunsen burner and the gas tap on to ensure continuity. Also I will keep the conical flask and the measuring cylinders the same depth and size as this could cause errors in measuring. I will also keep the X on the piece of paper the same to certify that I collect accurate results. These precautions will make my results more reliable and keep irregularity’s at a minimum to make certain that it is a successful experiment.

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What will you change in your investigation?

   I will change in my investigation the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate; this is the main aim of the experiment. I will change the temperature of the Sodium Thiosulphate to find out the effect of temperature on Sodium Thiosulphate when mixed with Hydrochloric acid, or see the rate of reaction when heat the Sodium Thiosulphate to various temperatures.

How will you make your investigation safe?

  I will make my investigation safe by ensuring that a pair of goggles will be worn throughout the entire investigation, this ...

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