The Effect That Exercise Has On a Person's Heart Rate.

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I am investigating the effect that exercise has on a person's heart rate. In this investigation I will be doing different intensities of the same exercise to see how much the subjects heart rate increases.

In this investigation I will be using the following apparatus-:

Stopwatch and 2 one Kilogram weights. The stopwatch will be used to measure accurately how long each exercise period goes on for. I will be using the 1-Kg weights to make the different intensities of exercise more obviously gapped. This adds extra weight; therefore the heart has to work harder. I will make sure my subject is in reasonable physical condition and make sure the subject will be exercising on a stable surface. I will also get the teacher to check my experiment to make sure everything is safe e.g. if the subject is in any danger when they are doing the experiment.

I will make it a fair test by using the same subject through the whole experiment. They will be doing the same type of exercise and will get equal rest's inbetween each intensity period. The subject will be doing the same the exercise for the same period of time. I will try and do the experiment and the repeat readings in the same temperature because if did I one of the experiments in a hotter climate the heart rate would be quicker and that would be unfair.

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I will start the experiment by taking the subjects resting heart rate. Then I will make the subject do step-ups at their own pace for one minute with no weights. I will take their pulse rate straight after they finish the exercise. That exercise is classed as the lightest training. I will allow a resting of anything up to 10 minutes to allow the subject's heart rate to get down to around the resting heart rate it was before. After that I will take the resting heart rate again and make my subject do the same thing except they will ...

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