The general structure of a leaf is built to do specific, needed functions.

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The general structure of a leaf is built to do specific, needed functions. However the main function for most leaves is ultimately photosynthesis. Other functions include: water storage/regulation; gaseous exchange; protection (for example - spikes on cacti); and trapping food in some cases (for example Venus flytraps). The annotated diagram I have drawn below shows an example of the main structures inside a dicot leaf:

This shows the structure of a general dicot leaf. The xylem and phloem are shown – indicating where the vein (vascular bundle – xylem vessels) is in the leaf cross section. Throughout the leaf the veins branch a lot to distribute water and minerals and therefore the minerals (mainly magnesium and iron) needed for chlorophyll are taken directly and easily fast the palisade mesophyll and therefore each chloroplast can receive the necessary minerals without difficulty. Also nitrogen compounds needed for protein synthesis are brought through minerals transferred by the same process of diffusion through the mesophylls. Advantages of the vascular bundle include the above-mentioned processes. The cells, when fully function, work to an optimum and the plant only uses enough minerals as it need to, to create the required amount of chlorophyll for instance. However when the required amount of minerals is not present the plant receives difficulty because, if it needs that extra chlorophyll to photosynthesise a little more, and it cannot produce the chlorophyll, a chain occurs. The unmade chlorophyll reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis, therefore less ‘food’ is made and the plant finds it difficult to survive.

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The waxy cuticle is also another adaptation that the plant has made. It has done this to try and stop water loss through transpiration out of the top of the leaf. The wax is ideal for this as there are very few gaps in it and any gaps that are present are not large enough to create a major effect. The wax also repels the water molecules due to them both having the same negatively charged molecules. The waxy cuticle is on both the upper and lower epidermis’s but there is a thicker layer of cuticle on the upper layer ...

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