The History of the Periodic Table

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History of the Periodic Table

        During the 1860’s, we knew that about sixty elements existed but the organisation of these elements was yet to occur. A method was needed, so many different scientists significantly contributed, and helped out, so that eventually Dmitri Mendeleev managed to finally construct his table: The Periodic Table. This table is completely based on the properties of matter; the properties of these elements can be described, separated and identified. The arrangement of electrons in atoms has helped to show and explain to us the patterns of behaviour of the elements! There are two types of property of matter: physical properties which describe the material as it is, and chemical properties which show us how an element reacts. The idea to create the periodic table came from the idea that we can easily arrange all the elements in a format which would easily show similarity among groups.

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        A long time ago, scientists studied the elements Potassium, Sodium and Lithium and found that they all react alike with water, oxygen and chlorine to produce similar compounds. It had been shown that lithium has a lower rate of reaction than sodium, whereas potassium has a higher rate of reaction than sodium. When you link this with their atomic masses, sodium is yet again the middle element! This same pattern is repeated with other groups of threes, for example: Bromine, Iodine and Chlorine, which eventually became known as the Law of Triads. The Law of Triads was discovered in early ...

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Mark: 4/5 This is a very detailed essay. It describes in depth many of the significant discoveries in relation the the periodic table and gives some further explanation on the elements themselves. I feel that the author has never really distinguished between arranging the periodic table by electron number as opposed to atomic mass. Also, a clearer introduction is necessary to provide structure to the essay.