The Journey of a carbon atom.

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Carbon atoms cycle through the earth and its biosphere. The carbon atom is part of a carbon dioxide molecule (co2) in the atmosphere.

 Carbon dioxide makes up less than 0.05% of the atmospheric gases. Some of the other major gases are nitrogen (N2), hydrogen (H2), oxygen (02) and water vapor (H20). Carbon atoms are absolute essential to life on earth.

 A carbon atom was drifting in the atmosphere when it descended down upon a colorful plant. As it glided over the top of the plants flower to the top of one of its leaves, it found it difficult to enter, however, after a drifting to the underside of the leaf (stomata) it was diffused and entered a palaside cell where it was then made into a glucose, starch this process is called photosynthesis. In this process, energy from the sun is being used to change it along with water drown up from the roots, into a simple sugar molecule (C6 H2 O6). Sugars are sometimes joined together to form large starch molecules. Both sugars and starches are known as carbohydrates. Oxygen gas is also formed and released into the atmosphere.

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 One hundred and twenty five years ago, a dinosaur was walking through Wye Valley. The surrounding area was full of carbon atoms from the atmosphere, vegetation and exhaled air. The dinosaur was searching for food. As he walked around the valley he lowered his head and grabbed a luscious leaf. As he chewed his way through it he dropped down dead, with the leaf wedged in his left nostril.

 The carbon atoms were trapped within the dinosaur and remained here to be deeply buried within the strata of the earth, as sediments accumulated on the surface above.

 Over the passing ...

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** A simple short story on the carbon cycle which could be improved by the author including more of the stages of the carbon cycle. The author needs to clarify the difference between decomposition and fossilization and carbon atoms and carbon containing molecules.