The Light Microscope

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The Light microscope.                                                                                                                                                                     

The following picture is a ‘light microscope’ common to all science laboratories.

Microscopes have allowed scientists an open window to the structure of cells and their function.  The first microscopes were devised in the 17th century, and revolutionised scientific theory.  They allowed scientist to put aside guess work and allowed delivery of evidence for the first time that large organisms are made of cells.

Cells were first viewed some 300 years back, by Robert Hooke, a famous scientist and nobleman of his generation.  He assembled one of the first optical microscopes and his work examining cork samples spawned the use of the term cell.  ‘Hooke saw that these sections were many up of many tiny regular compartments, which he called cells.’ (Fullick A 1994 p7).

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It wasn’t until the 1840’s that ‘Cell theory’ was proposed.  Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann considered cells to be the basic unit of life.  They jointly proposed living organisms were made up of individual cellular units.

Microscopes work by magnifying images of made specimens to allow details to be viewed which ordinarily would be out of the range of the naked eye.  Magnification is simply how much bigger an image is compared to the specimen and a simple formula to calculate this is:


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