The Process of Human Digestion

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The Process of Human Digestion Digestive System, series of organs put together that purpose is to break down, or digest, the food we eat. Food is made up of large things called, complex molecules, which the digestive system breaks down into smaller things called simple molecules that get absorbed into the bloodstream. The bloodstream is our blood. The simple molecules travel through the bloodstream to all of the parts of the body, which we use for growth, repair, and energy. All living things that eat to get energy have a digestive system, a feature that makes us different from plants. Plants make their own food in a process called photosynthesis, photosynthesis is when plants make sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into simple sugars. But animals, including humans, must take in food in the form of organic matter, such as plants or other animals. Digestion generally involves two parts: a mechanical part and a chemical part. In the mechanical part, teeth physically break down large pieces of food into smaller pieces. In the chemical part, digestive chemicals called enzymes break apart individual molecules of food to yield molecules that can be absorbed and distributed throughout the body. These enzymes are secreted by glands in the body. The digestive system of most animals consists mainly of a long, tube called the alimentary canal, or digestive tract. This canal has a mouth at one end, through which food is taken in, and an anus at the other end, through which pup is taken out the body.. Muscles in the walls of the alimentary canal move the food along. Most digestive organs are part of the alimentary canal. However, two digestive organs, the liver and pancreas, are located outside the
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digestive system. These organs put in chemical digestion by releasing digestive juices into the digestion system through tubes called ducts. If an adult’s digestive tract were stretched out, it would be 20 to 30 ft long. In humans, digestion begins in the mouth, where both mechanical and chemical digestion occur. The mouth quickly turns food into a soft, moist mass. The muscular tongue pushes the food against the teeth, which cut, chop, and grind the food. Glands in the cheek linings secrete mucus, which lubricates the food, making it easier to chew and swallow. Three pairs of glands empty saliva ...

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This piece of work is very well written, the candidate has used a good range of vocabulary and they have accurately used medical terminology. Furthermore there are no errors with spelling or grammar.

The candidate goes into a great deal of detail regarding the digestive system and they have use the correct medical terminology for the various parts of this system, this demonstrates a good understanding of this topic. It is therefore evident that the candidate has taken the time to undergo independent research as the information they have included is above and beyond this level of qualification. It is important to research a scientific topic as this ensures that you get the facts correct. In addition to this you demonstrate enthusiasm and dedication to you subject and the extra information you are able to include in your work can make your essay more enjoyable to read. However, you must ensure that you reference you work appropriately, this includes providing links to any webpages you have taken information from. This is important for two reasons, the first being that it shows the steps you have taken to prepare for your work, secondly, proving you have written up information in your own words it shows that your work is not plagiarised. On a final note, the candidate has not concluded their work which is a mistake. You should always write a conclusion as this helps you to draw your essay to a close. A good conclusion summarises key points from within your essay with emphasis on why this are relevant, this helps tie together any loose ends. You should also include a personal response, for a science based essay this could simply be what you have learned.

The candidates response to this topic is very good, they demonstrate a good level of understanding and they have gone into sufficient detail. However, the opening paragraph of this essay has some room for improvement, the candidate has described the digestive system which is a good start however to write a good introduction you need to clearly state what you plan to discuss even if this seems obvious from the title of your essay. By outlining what you will go on to discuss you make the purpose of your essay clear to the reader.