The production of plastics involves a process called polymerization.

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Plastics consist of a variation of materials deriving from petroleum. Plastics are made up from various combinations of elements. Plastics are easily moulded into shapes and degrade slowly. It is these qualities of plastics that make plastics so useful for many purposes. However the production of plastics has many environmental consequences.

The production of plastics involves a process called polymerization. Polymerization is the process whereby multiple monomers are joined in cohesion to form a polymer chain. These monomers are extracted from crude oils. The polymerization process causes the liquid monomers to change into solid polymers due to the increase of molecular weight. The production of plastics involves the extraction of monomers from crude oil such as petroleum. Crude oil is a non renewable resource so it is therefore imperative that the production of plastic is minimized.

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There are many different types of plastic packaging. Polyethylene terephthalate and high density polyethylene is used for bottling.  Low density polyethylene is used for carrier bags and packaging films. Polypropylene is used for margarine tubs. Polystyrene is used for yoghurt pots, egg cartons, packaging for electronic goods and toys, foam hamburger boxes. Plastics are an essential part of the packaging industry.  Plastics properties enable it to be easy to handle in various environments. Plastic packaging provides sufficient protection of the content. Plastic does not rust or splinter. Plastics are lightweight and malleable and easy to transport.  These are the reasons ...

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The spelling and grammatical areas of this essay are fine.

The analysis of the case study is good as it goes beyond the obvious. The chemistry side of this essay is good, as the words are not used in excess and are just used to illustrate the point being made and are not overly used which can sometimes be interpreted as arrogance by the examiners.

The student has answered the question well, in using a case study to back up the point that they were making strengthens their argument. The scientific language used is appropriate and answers the question, but to improve they could have explained some of the key words such as 'monomer'.