The rate of reaction between magnesium and sulphuric acid.

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Amin Bedri

Science Coursework

Rates of Reaction

Investigation: The rate of reaction between magnesium and sulphuric acid.

My Planning

The task that was set to me was to investigate how much gas is produced when magnesium and sulphuric acid react. I am positive that I will find a connection between the concentration of the acid and the amount of gas produced. I am going to record five sets of results, which will be recorded until the reaction becomes dormant. The results will then be interpreted into a graph. This will help show my conclusion by using a scatter graph by plotting the results and drawing a line of best fit.

The reaction between sulphuric acid and the magnesium ribbon, the sulphuric acid will dissolve the magnesium and produce hydrogen gas. All chemical reactions include reactants which when mixed may produce a chemical reaction which will make products. In my experiment the reactants are sulphuric acid and magnesium ribbon. The chemical reaction takes place when the magnesium ribbon is dropped into the sulphuric acid.

The rate of reaction between the magnesium and the sulphuric acid may increase or decrease depending on certain factors. The factors that may determine this are: temperature of the sulphuric acid, mass of the magnesium ribbon used, concentration of the sulphuric acid, surface area of the magnesium ribbon used. Due to the Collision Theory all of these factors will change the rate of reaction.

Scientific Knowledge

"When a chemical reaction occurs, the particles which combine need to meet up with each other (collide) so that they can swap or share electrons. If you want to speed up a reaction, you need to get these particles to hit each other more frequently."

"If the solution is made more concentrated it means there are more particles of reactant knocking about between the water molecules, which make collisions between the important particles more likely." (GCSE Double Science Revision Guide)

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How to keep it a Fair Test

In order to keep my experiment a fair test I will have to make sure that I keep the following factors the same: volume of acid used (cubic centimetres), surface area of the magnesium, length of magnesium. I will also have to make sure that the burette is correctly connected and that the cork is placed quickly and tightly enough so that no hydrogen gas escapes. To make sure that all my results are as accurate as possible I will do each experiment two times and then take an average to prevent ...

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