The role of DNA in protein synthesis

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Phoenix Zhang

The role of DNA in protein synthesis

Introduction to DNA

DNA is a polymer of monomers called nucleotides. It has been found in chromosomes which are contained in the nucleus. Many observations contributed to the evidence from which the structure of DNA was eventually deduced by Watson and Crick. DNA is stand for the deoxyribose nucleic acids. It is made from two strand of nucleic acid wound into a double helix. Nucleic acid are macromolecules with relative molecular masses ranging from 10  to 10  . They are biult up of nucleotide subunites, which join together forming long unbranched chains. A nucleotide of DNA is made up of :

  • a pentose sugar – deoxyribose (C5H10O4)
  • a phosphate group (H3PO4)


  • an organic nitogenous base - adenine, guanine, thymine or cytosine

-the organic base present in nucleotides are either pyrimidines, which have a single-ring structure, or purines with a double ring structure.

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Pyrimidines – single rings each with six sides.

               e.g. cytosine (C) and thymine (T)

   purines – double rings comprising of a six-sided and five-sided ring.

e.g. adenine (A) and guanine (G)

Condensation reactions join the nucleotides together, the reaction between the nucleoside and phosphoric acid. A phosphodiester bridge is formed between the 3 carbon atom of one pentose sugar and 5 carbon atom of another sugar. The hydrogen bonds join bases across the strands.

Protein synthesis

Protein synthesis involves three phasese, the transfer of the coden information from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (transcription), this ...

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This is a well researched and well written essay. 1. The sources of information should be referenced. 2. The language used is very concise. 3. The report needs to have a conclusion. ****