What is the solar system?
Then solar system is a system comprising the sun and the astronomical bodies gravitationally bound to the Sun, the nine major planets; Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
What are Planets?
The Planets are described as censorial bodies that move around the Sun and shines by light reflected from its surface.
How big are the planets in comparison with each other?
The biggest of the planets is Jupiter, Pluto is the smallest. In order of size it goes Jupiter then Saturn then Neptune then Uranus, Earth then Venus then Mars Mercury and lastly Pluto.
How far are the nine planets from the sun?
Mercury is the closest to the sun being 57.9 (mkl millions of kilometres) Venus is 108 mkl Earth is 149.6 mkl Mars is 227.9 mkl Jupiter is 778.3 mkl Saturn is 1427 mkl and Uranus is 2870 mkl Neptune is 4497 mkl and Pluto is 5893 millions of kilometres.