This experiment will show how the temperature and concentration affects the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.

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This experiment will show how the temperature and concentration affects the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.


I predict that the higher the concentration of sodium thyosulphate and hydrochloric acid the quicker the reaction. The higher the temperature also has a direct link to the speed of the reaction the higher the temperature the quicker the reaction.

Scientific Explanation

I believe my prediction to be correct because the collision theory states that the more molecules there are in a solution the greater the possibility of two reacting molecules colliding and forming a new substance. For example if I have placed 4 molecules of sodium thiosulphate 4 molecules of hydrochloric acid and only 2 molecules of water there is a greater possibility of reaction because the majority of the chemicals present can react with one an other. The more diluted the mixture is the longer it takes for a hydrochloric acid molecule to ‘find’ a sodium thiosulphate molecule. Neither sodium thiosulphate nor hydrochloric acid reacts with water so if they were to collide no reaction would take place. The concentration of each substance stays the same no matter how much of it we use for example if we used 25cm3 of sodium thiosulphate its concentration would remain the same as if we were to use 50cm3. However in 50cm3 of sodium thiosulphate there would be more molecules present so the chance of collision is higher meaning the reaction would be subsequently quicker. My final reason for my prediction brings the kinetic theory into my experiment this theory tells us that the higher the temperature a substance is the greater kinetic energy it has, which in a liquid means the molecules can move around quicker. This relates to our experiment because if the molecules are moving around faster they will collide more often meaning the reactions will happen more rapidly. This equation shows what is happening when a sodium thiosulphate molecule and a hydrochloric acid molecule collide.

NaSo³ + HCl  2NaCl + H²O + S + SO²

Because the sodium thiosulphate is an alkali and hydrochloric acid is an acid this reaction can be described as a neutralization reaction. Whenever an acid reacts with an alkali we always get water as one of the products, the other is a salt made from the acid and the alkali. In this experiment the sulphur will sink and this will play a key role in how we record the amount of time taken in each experiment.

The graphs below show ideal results, which I would like to obtain from this experiment. I do however recognize that my results will not match these entirely. Due to human error and the circumstances I am working in, these are ideals.

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For this experiment I will need thermometer, small measuring cylinder, large measuring cylinder, beaker, retort stand, pen, piece of paper, hydrochloric acid, sodium thiosulphate, 2 test tubes, goggles, sticky label, bunsen burner, stop watch, conical flask, gauze, heat proof mat and finally a tripod. I am going to be performing to experiments that are both related. All the apparatus may not be used in both experiments.


Concentration- This is how I will carry out my experiment:


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