To Compare the Concentration of the Enzyme Catalase in Plant v. Animal v. Fungal Tissues

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As-Level Biology Coursework -Investigation 1

To Compare the Concentration of the Enzyme Catalase in

Plant v. Animal v. Fungal Tissues


Catalase is a widespread enzyme, which breaks down the waste product of metabolism. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a metabolic waste product, which is toxic and must be removed by cells. Catalase is the enzyme used by cells to remove H2O2. The reaction is as shown below:

                                             Catalase enzyme

                                 H2O2 --------------------------- H2O + 1/2O2


My hypothesis is that animal and fungal tissues will have a higher concentration of catalase than plant tissues.

Catalase is the enzyme that is used to break down H2O2, which is a metabolic waste product, therefore the higher the metabolic rate of an organism the more waste product it will produce, which therefore means the higher the concentration of catalase the organism would contain.

Metabolism is the collective term for all the chemical reactions of life. An organism's metabolic rate is the amount of energy used by the organism to maintain its living function through the chemical reactions of life. Therefore, how an organism obtains the products needed to maintain its living function would affect its metabolic rate.

Animals and fungi are different from plants in that they are heterotrophic whereas plants are autotrophic. This means that animal and fungi feed on organic matter obtained from other organisms. Plants on the other hand are autotrophic or 'self-feeding', this means that they absorb inorganic nutrients- such as CO2 and minerals with which to make their organic compounds.

These two different methods of obtaining organic compounds would have a large impact on the concentration of catalase. For heterotrophic organisms by obtaining their organic compound from other organisms would absorb more products, which they would be unable to use. Therefore they would a) produce more waste product and/or b) they would have to use up more energy in chemical reactions to convert these useless products into useful ones. In the first way the metabolic rate would increase due to the amount of energy needed to break down the waste product and in the second way the metabolic rate would increase due to the energy needed to convert the product. Therefore if the metabolic rate increases so would the concentration of catalase, since more H2O2 would be produce, which would need to be broken down. Autotrophic organisms, on the other hand, by producing their own organic compound would not have the above two factors to deal with or if they did, it would not be on the same scale as hetroterophic organisms. This is due to the fact that by being self-feeding they would not produce products they could not use, unless in small quantity as a by-product in a chemical reaction to produce the product they do need.

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This investigation is to compare two different types of plant tissues against two types of animal and two types of fungi tissues, to see whether the hypothesis set out above is borne out by experimentation. The investigation will be carried out at room temperature and in pH7 conditions, obtain by using a pH7 buffer. The same amount of tissues, 5g, and substrate (H2O2), 5cm3, will be use throughout. Both these measures are to ensure that any variables that might affect the investigation are controlled throughout.

The volume of oxygen produce when catalase breaks down H2O2 will be measured at ...

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