To Determine the Activation Energy of the Reaction between Bromide ion and Bromate (V) ion in Acid Solution

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Name: Chan Lo Ho  

Class: 6A   Class no.: 4


KI4 To Determine the Activation Energy of the Reaction between Bromide ion and Bromate (V) ion in Acid Solution


By reacting Potassium Bromide and Potassium Bromate in the acid solution in varies temperature, we can then determine the Activation Energy of the reaction in different temperature through the equation:.


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  1. Give an equation for the reaction between phenol and bromine.

  1. What is the use of methyl orange in this experiment?

The methyl orange is used as an indicator for the reaction. Bromine will be produces during the reaction and it will react with phenol rapidly. Once all the phenol is used up, further bromine produced will bleach the methyl orange immediately. So the rate of the reaction can be calculated from the time for the indicator to be decolorized.

  1. Based on your results, is it advisable to perform the experiment at ...

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