To determine the concentration of limewater

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To determine the concentration of limewater

The aim of my experiment is to find the concentration of limewater solution provided.

To do this I am provided with the following chemicals.

Limewater: 250cm (1g dm )

Hydrochloric acid at concentration of 2 mol dm

As you can see the hydrochloric acid is too concentrated for titration (i.e. one drop could change the colour of the solution.) therefore this acid will need to be diluted.

Background knowledge:

Limewater can be made by dissolved slacked lime in water to get a solution of calcium hydroxide (Ca (OH) 2 )

Quicklime + water --------> slaked lime

CaO (s) + H2O (l) --------> CaCl2 (aq)  + 2H2O (l)   

In this reaction it shows the calcium oxide reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide.  After adding more water to calcium hydroxide, it produces the saturated aqueous solution known as limewater.

My experiment will be based on this neutralisation reaction between the limewater and hydrochloric acid.

Ca(OH) 2 (aq) + HCl (aq) --------> CaCl2 (aq)  + 2H2O (l) 

(back ground knowledge of limewater provided by AS chemistry 1 page…)

Diluting hydrochloric acid:

My first task for this experiment is to dilute the hydrochloric acid.  To do this I first needed to work out how many moles I wanted for hydrochloric acid. For this part of my calculation I choose to use text book Calculations for chemistry to help me. Page…..

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Ca(OH) 2 (aq) + HCl (aq) --------> CaCl2 (aq)  + 2H2O (l)  

1gdm of Ca(OH) 2

Number of moles of limewater

Mr of lime water= 40.1 + (16 x 2) + (1 x 2) = 74.1

Mass of lime water=1g

Moles of lime water =mass(g)/Mr

So 1/74.1=0.13 mol dm-3

Molarities of limewater solution:

Morality = no. moles of limewater / volume

 = 0.013 / 1 = 0.013 mol dm

So there is 0.013 mole of Ca(OH) 2 per every 1000cm3 of  solution.

Therefore 25cm should contain 3.25x10-4 moles of Ca(OH) 2.

 0.013/40=3.25x10-4 mole

Ratio of limewater: Hydrochloric acid = 1: 2


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Spelling, grammar, and punctuation all to a very good level.

The candidate shows good understanding of titrations by knowing that the 2m concentration needs to be diluted. The background information shows good research into what will happen during the experiment but should include observations that will be made in the experiment so that the candidate knows that to expect. The first set of calculations are done to a very high level of accuracy. The method and safety precautions taken are explained very well. The candidate explains their choice of indicator well, but the rest of the experiment e.g. results, and conclusion and evaluation are not included.

Response to the question is done very well apart from the missing conclusion and results. The candidate sets out the experiment and why they use certain factors well. In their experiments they should consider anything which may bias or confound the experiment to show a higher understanding of what may go wrong or affect the experiment and account for it.