To Find Out How Much Surface Area Affects the Rate of a Reaction Between a Potassium Tablet (K2co3) and Hydrochloric Acid (Hcl).

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The Rate of Reaction


K2CO3 + HCl KCl + H2O + CO2


The aim of the experiment is to find out how much surface area affects the rate of a reaction between a potassium tablet (K2CO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl).


The variables for this experiment include:

? The temperature of the HCl.

? The concentration of the HCl.

? The surface area of the K2CO3.

For this experiment I will be testing the surface area.


I think that as the surface area of the surface area of the K2CO3 decreases the rate of the reaction will increase. I think this because there is more K2CO3 for the HCl to collide with.
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First you must add water to a basin (enough to put an upside-down 250 ml measuring cylinder in), fill a 250 ml measuring cylinder and place it upside-down in the basin and keep it off the bottom by a clamp. You must then add 30 ml of HCl to a conical flask, then place a K2CO3 tablet to it, place a bung with a tube coming out of the top and going into the basin and into the measuring cylinder, you must time the experiment for 3 mins. Repeat this experiment with exactly the ...

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