To find the effects of the concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction on marble chips.

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Chemistry Coursework 1

Aim: To find the effects of the concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of reaction on marble chips.

Introduction: The concentration of acid in a solution is dependant on how many particles there are of the acid in it.

As you increase the concentration of the acid, there will be more acid particles in the same volume. For example, if you use the same tap water and pour it into a 100ml beaker and a 1-litre beaker the concentration would be the same. Only if more particles of water are added will the concentration rise.

Marble chips can dissolve in acids; if the concentration of the acid is varied then the speed of the reaction will either slow down or speed up.

All substances are made out up of particles, before we can get a chemical reaction the particles of the two substances must collide against each other. This is called the collision theory. This means that the higher the concentration of Hydrochloric acid or water the more likely it is that the two lots of particles will collide, the result would be that the rate of reaction would increase.

The surface area of solids will increase and decrease on the size of the object. For example if you take one piece of marble and three smaller pieces, the smaller pieces combined will have a larger surface area. For the reaction to happen the particles on the outside of the marble pieces must collide with the water molecules. The larger the surface area the more the two substances would collide increasing the rate of reaction. If the surface area were smaller, then the rate of reaction would decrease.

Prediction: I predict that as I increase the concentration of acid, the rate of reaction will also increase. This is because the higher the concentration of acid the more particles there will be to react with the marble chips. Increasing the rate of reaction. The rate of reaction will slow down when the concentration of water is increased because there will be more water particles then of acid reacting with the marble chips.

Fair Testing: To make sure the test is fair I will keep the following factors constant: weight of chips at 2.04g


HCl at 2M

The only variable will be the concentration of acid and water. The differences in concentration are as follows: 50ml acid and 0ml water

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40ml acid and 10ml water

30ml acid and 20ml water

25ml acid and 25ml water

20ml acid and 30ml water

10ml acid and 40ml water

0ml acid and 50ml water

Safety: This experiment is safe. The use of the Hydrochloric acid must be treated with due care and attention.

Experiment Design:

The apparatus I will use during this experiment is:

Conical flask

Measuring cylinder

Plastic container


Bung & tube


Weighing machine

Marble chips

Step one: Measure out 2.04g of marble chips. Fill the plastic container to about half way with water, then fill the burette up to the ...

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