To investigate and compare the effect of temperature on the activity of catalase in plant and animal tissues.

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Amreen Khadri 12Be                                                         Investigating the Activity of Catalase                

Investigating the Activity of Catalase

Aim: To investigate and compare the effect of temperature on the activity of catalase in plant and animal tissues.

Hypothesis: The rate of reaction will increase as the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide increases up to the optimum point.

Introduction: Catalase is an enzyme involved in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in cells. Hydrogen peroxide is toxic to most organisms and it is an oxidizing agent, which contributes to the deteriorating changes that occur with aging in animals.  Hydrogen peroxide has been implicated in the degenerative middle ear disease, otitis media. Some energy releasing reactions in cells produce hydrogen peroxide. This is acidic, and can thus, kill cells. Normally, hydrogen peroxide decomposes to form hydrogen and oxygen. However, this process is very lengthy. There is an enzyme known as catalase in cells, which dramatically increases the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is known as a catabolic reaction.

                                                            H202                 H20 + 02

Enzymes are biological catalysts, which increase the rate of reactions by lowering the activation energy needed for the reaction to take place. The activation energy is the amount of energy needed for molecules to react when they collide. Molecules need to collide in order to react, this is known as the collision theory. When they collide they may not react, as a certain amount of energy is required to break bonds, this energy is the activation energy. Enzymes are made of a long amino acid chain; within this some molecules are attracted to each other, so the chain folds in on itself to form a 3D shape.

An area on the surface of the enzyme is known as the active site. This is where reactions take place to form or break down substances. Enzymes are specific which means a particular enzyme only works on one substance known as its substrate. For example, the substrate of amylase is starch and the substrate of lipase is fats. They only have one substrate because the active site is formed in a different shape for each enzyme, where only one substance can fit. The ‘lock and key’ hypothesis states that the enzyme is like a lock, which will only have one key. The substrate shown is the only substance that fits the enzyme. An enzyme substrate complex is the compound formed when the substrate is attached to the active site, it is only in this form for a short time while the substrate is being broken down. Enzymes can break own substances, known as catabolism, or can join substances together, known as anabolism. Together they form metabolism, which is every chemical reaction in the body.

Factors affecting the rate of reaction:

The rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction is measured by the amount of substrate changed, or the amount of product formed in a given time. In this particular experiment, the rate of reaction will be measured by the quickness of the evolution of oxygen gas. When investigating the effect of one factor on the rate of reaction of a catalyzed reaction, all other factors must be kept constant and at optimum levels. Only initial rates should be taken, as the reaction will slow down as it proceeds due to concentrations of substrate reducing.


Substrate and enzyme concentrations are both factors that affect the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction. If the substrate concentration is kept high and all other factors are kept constant, the rate of reaction is proportional to the enzyme concentration


For a fixed enzyme concentration, the rate of an enzyme reaction increases when substrate concentration increases. The theoretically possible maximum rate (Vmax) is never achieved, but the reaction eventually reaches a point when increasing substrate concentration only gives negligible change in rate. The explanation for this is that almost all the active sites in the enzyme molecules are filled because of the high concentration of substrate. Substrate molecules that cannot find a vacant active site have to wait until the enzyme/substrate complex has released the products so the active site is once again free to take more substrate.



Increasing the temperature and therefore heat energy makes the molecules of the enzymes and the substrate move about faster, thus increasing the chance of the enzyme molecules colliding with the substrate molecules. The optimum temperature is the one that gives maximum movement of molecules. Increasing the temperature beyond the optimum will cause a drop in the rate of reaction because the enzyme will be DENATURED. The shape of the active site, which is vital for the enzyme to function, is lost. Most mammalian enzymes have an optimum temperature of about 37-40°C. Some enzymes have higher optimums e.g. the enzymes of bacteria living in hot springs may have an optimum temperature of 70°C. In this experiment, tissues of both plant and animal are going to be compared.

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At a constant temperature every enzyme works most efficiently over a narrow pH range. The optimum pH is that at which the maximum rate of reaction is achieved. If the pH is changed to go above or below this range then the rate of reaction will decrease. A pH change will disrupt the ionic charge of the acidic and basic groups, the ionic bonding that helps the protein retain its folded structure will break down. The shape of the active site will change, so the ...

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