To investigate how changing the volume of water in a container affects its rate of its heat loss. The variable of this investigation is the volume of water which is put in the container.

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Aim :

To investigate how changing the volume of water in a container affects its rate of its heat loss. The variable of this investigation is the volume of water which is put in the container.

What I already know:

I already know that the larger the volume of water there is the less heat loss occurs. I can tell this from my previous pilot experiment where I investigated, if the volume of water in a beaker affects its rate of cooling.

   In this experiment my conclusion was the beaker with the larger volume has no more heat energy to give out compared to the beaker with the smaller volume.


I predict that the increase of water volume in the beaker will affect the rate of heat loss; this is because of my results of the pilot experiment which gave me an understanding of the variable in my Investigation.

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This is a list of all the apparatus I will need to use to investigate my variable.

300ml Beaker: to contain the volume of H2O.

     Kettle : To heat up the H2O.

Thermometer: To measure the temperature of the H2O.


   Stopwatch: To time the temperature of each volume of H2O                                              every 30sec.

 H2O : To investigate ...

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