To investigate how the heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise.Scientific KnowledgeAerobic respiration needs an input of oxygen, and outputs carbon dioxide

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To investigate how the heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise.

Scientific Knowledge

Aerobic respiration needs an input of oxygen, and outputs carbon dioxide. The internal surface of the lungs is where oxygen passes from the air into the body, and where carbon dioxide passes from the body to the air. This process is called gaseous exchange.

Oxygen, which is breathed in with air, passes from the lungs into the blood. It can then be supplied to cells where it is needed for respiration. The waste product carbon dioxide then passes into the blood and onto the lungs where it is breathed out.

Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

C6 H12 O6 + 6O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O+ Energy

The input and output needs of the body do not always stay at the same level. One good example of this is when we exercise. Suddenly we need a lot more energy than usual because our muscles are having to work so much harder. To meet this need for extra energy the body responds in a number of way.

* You breathe deeper and faster, taking more oxygen into the lungs.

* Your heart pumps faster, sending more blood, containing oxygen and glucose to the muscles.

* The muscles increase the amount of aerobic respiration, so that more energy can be provided for movement.

Increases in heart rate and breathing rate are also important in removing carbon dioxide and water, and transferring heat energy away from the respiring muscles.

After exercising for a while, your muscles cannot get enough energy from aerobic respiration. They need an additional supply of energy if exercise if is to continue. This problem is mainly the result of not being able to get the oxygen to the muscles quickly.

Under these conditions the muscle will continue to respire aerobically (with oxygen) but also begin to respire aerobically (without oxygen). Anaerobic respiration is a process where usable energy is released from glucose without the need for oxygen.

Glucose -> Lactic acid + Energy

This releases a lot less energy than aerobic respiration, because a lot of energy remains "locked up" inside the lactic acid. It does however provide the extra energy needed for exercise to continue.

Anaerobic respiration may provide the body with extra useable energy, nut it also produces the waste product lactic acid. This will build up in the muscles and is thought to act upon pain receptors, causing muscle soreness and a feeling of fatigue (tiredness). Your muscles hurt, warning that you are pushing your body to the limit.

Athletes are very aware of this "pain barrier". If the lactic acid level is allowed to build up too high, it will actually inhibit (slow down the action of) some of the enzymes involved in respiration, causing a drop in energy supply and eventually the collapse of the person who is exercising

After exercise the body needs to recover. It needs to get back to its normal balance of oxygen input and carbon dioxide output. It would be expected that this would happen very quickly, after all the body is no longer exercising, so the extra oxygen for respiration is not needed. But to get back in balance, the body will have to get rid of the lactic acid waste that has built up. This needs oxygen which helps to break down the lactic acid and eventually release the energy trapped inside it. The extra oxygen needed after exercise, to get rid of the lactic acid is called the oxygen debt. This explains why we continue to take deep breaths after exercise- to supply the necessary oxygen, which is then pumped around the body by the still fast-beating heart. Only when the oxygen debt has been repaid in full, and all the lactic acid removed, does your heart and breathing return to normal and your muscles stop hurting.

* Respiration changes before, during and after exercise
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Part of the brain known as the medulla oblongata is responsible for the control and co-ordination of important automatic reflex functions such as heart rate and breathing.

Inside the medulla are groups of neurones (nerve cells) which make up the respiratory centre for rhythmic breathing. This centre is in turn controlled to a certain extent by "higher voluntary centres in the brain. This means that you can consciously over-ride normal breathing, for example by holding your breath, whereas the medulla usually allows you to breathe normally without thinking.

As soon as we begin to exercise, ...

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