To Investigate the Factors Affecting the Rate of Erosion of Buildings Made of Marble By Acid Rain.

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I am going to investigate the factors affecting the rate of erosion of buildings made of marble by acid rain.

The variables affecting the rate of erosion include:

  • Concentration of acid-since this increases the probability of collisions between the acid molecules and the marble. I would predict that the greater the concentration the greater the probability of collisions and so the faster the rate of reaction.
  • Surface area-whether the marble was in chips or in fine powder form. The greater the surface area the more likely there will be collisions between the marble and the acid solution.
  • Temperature-the higher the temperature the greater the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the marble and the acid, so the rate of reaction will be increased because of the probability of collisions.

The chemical equation for the reaction is:

CaCo₃₍s₎ + 2HCl₍аq₎  ⇨  CaCl₂₍aq₎+ CO₂₍g₎ + H₂O₍l₎

I have decided to investigate the relationship between concentration of acid and the rate of reaction. The other two variables I am going to keep constant so that the experiment will be a fair test. The surface area will be constant by choosing lumps of calcium carbonate that are relatively the sane size.


For this experiment I will be using:

  • Marble chips
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Water
  • Weighing machine
  • Test tube
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Bowl
  • Retort stand
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Fair Test

I shall keep the variables of temperature and mass of calcium carbonate constant throughout the experiment.


I will conduct the experiment in the laboratory so that the temperature will always be at room temperature. I will keep the mass of calcium carbonate the same throughout the experiment, and measure the length of time it takes for the measuring cylinder to become full of gas. The total volume of acid and water will ...

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