To measure heat loss in two test tubes which represent bodies, one which sweats (the wet test tube) and one body which doesn't sweat (the dry test tube).

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Biology Coursework: Sweaty Bodies


To measure heat loss in two test tubes which represent bodies, one which sweats (the wet test tube) and one body which doesn’t sweat (the dry test tube). 


2 Thermometers

2 Stoppers

2 Boiling Tubes

2 Measuring Cylinders

Cotton Wool

Paper Towels



Previous Knowledge:

I know that when the body gets to hot, the sweat glands produce sweat, which evaporates of the skins surface, and cools the body as it evaporates. The evaporation of water needs a lot of heat energy. This heat energy is taken from the body when the sweat evaporates.


I think that the wet test tube will cool the fastest because this is what happened during my preliminary experiment. The wet test tube cooled the water down by 22OC more than the dry test tube. Also my knowledge of the way the human body works helps support my prediction because the body produces sweat to cool the body down, and the wet test tube acts in the same way.


Fair Testing:

For all the experiments I’m going to conduct I will have to make sure I do them fairly. I will use exactly the same apparatus, the same amount of water in each test tube as well as the same amount of paper towelling each time. I will measure the temperature change in each test tube for the same amount of time and will begin measuring the temperature when the temperature in each test tube is the same.

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Plan: Preliminary Experiment.

  1. I started by setting up my apparatus as it’s shown in the diagram above.
  2. I then boiled some water in a kettle.
  3. After the water had boiled I measured out 25cm3 of water in two measuring cylinders and then pouring into each boiling tube.
  4. I then began taking readings for 20 minutes, every minute and recorded them.
  5. My preliminary experiment wasn’t as successful as possible because the starting temperatures of each boiling tube were not the same. This was because the wet paper towelling around one of the boiling tubes had ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This essay is not really a full write up of a practical but rather a discussion of preliminary tests. It is a good example of how running prelims helps to design an experiment. It could be enhanced to include a summary of how the prelims resulted in the final design. ***