What affects the resistance of the wire?

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Sadaf Pourzand

What affects the resistance of the wire?

    I have been set to do an experiment to see what affects the resistance of the wire. I have cut a long piece of wire and taped it to a long (1metre) ruler to hold it straight, then I used a battery, a voltmeter and an ammeter to measure the amp and the voltage. I used a wire which was 36 swag. This is how I set up


     I predict that every time I make the length of the wire shorter the voltage will go lower and the amps will go higher. So the longer the wire is the higher the resistance.

Key Factors that affect the resistance:-

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  1. Length of the wire because the longer the wire, the longer it will take for the electrons to get to the end. This is because there will be more collisions between the electrons and atoms. So the length of the wire would be proportional to the resistance.
  2. Material of the wire is very important the best material is silver, but because it’s expensive we use copper, copper makes the resistance flow faster. because if the material being used has atoms with a large number of electrons this means there are more electrons, so if the material ...

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