Which factors affect the time period of the swing of a pendulum?

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 In this investigation I will attempt to discover the factors that will affect the time period of the swing of a pendulum.


 I predict that the variable that will affect the time rate of a swing of a pendulum would be the length of the string the weight is attached to.

 My justifications for this prediction are that the longer the pendulum is, the longer a distance it will have to travel to pass the centre point and hence it should take a longer time.

 Another justification for my prediction is that if I implement lengths for the pendulum into the formula for time period of a simple pendulum then I find that the longer the length of string, the longer the time period, my experiment will attempt prove this equation also.

 For example, if my experiment is accurate using the formula                    (T = 2∏ (√L/G)) where T is time period, L is length of pendulum and G is acceleration due to Gravity (9.8 m/s), the time period of a 20cm pendulum should turn out to be 8.96 seconds for 10 oscillations (3sf).


 The pendulum will consist of a metal ball on the end of a piece of string that is allowed to oscillate from a clamp stand, an oscillation will be recognised when the pendulum passes the centre of the stand (which will be the centre of the swing) two times.

 I will conduct a preliminary experiment in order for me to establish what the general trend of results would be and to help me perform a more accurate final experiment.

 In my preliminary experiment I will be varying 2 factors, one being the length of string on the pendulum and another being the angle that I drop the pendulum from.  I am varying the angle that I drop the pendulum from to investigate whether this has any effect on the time rate of a swing of a pendulum, hence, I will be able to implement my findings into my final experiment.

 I will be varying the length of the string that the pendulum is attached to as this is integral to my initial prediction and I will keep numerous factors as constants to avoid them from playing a part in this experiment.

 I will be taking 3 readings per set up of length of string and angle of release. This will enable me to draw up an average and may help to eradicate the repercussions of anomalous results. In laboratory conditions I would take many more readings as this would improve the validity of my results. My range of readings is 20 cm, for a preliminary experiment this is more than enough to be able to draw up early conclusions. 3 repeats are ample for a preliminary experiment, though I will be using the same number of repeats in my main experiment due to time restrictions, albeit, with a larger range of readings.

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The constants are as follows:-

  • Material ball is composed of
  • Weight of ball
  • Type of string used
  • Room Temperature
  • Height above sea level
  • Air movement

I will keep the material of the ball and weight of the ball constant by using the same weight in every reading I take. I will also use the same type of string in every reading I take to ensure that this does not affect the results. I will ensure that all my readings are taken at the same height above sea level but a slight change in ...

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This is a good report that covers the basics of this investigation. 1. The prediction should be more specific. 2. The results tables are well presented. 3. The conclusion includes data well. 4. The evaluation should focus on this investigation and include some suggestions for improvements. *** (3stars)