Evaluate the view that religion acts as a conservative force in modern society (40)
This really depends on what conservative means and McGuire argues that it also depends on the type of religion.
Many theorists have different perspectives on this issue. Functionalists, Marxists and Feminists argue that religion acts as a conservative force whereas social action, Neo-Marxists and Weber argue that it acts as a social change.
Conservative can be defined in two ways. One of the definitions is protecting the status quo in society. This is opposite to social change. It prevents social reform e.g. divorce, abortion etc. Conservative can also mean promoting a return to more traditional social value. This means a return to previous form of social relationships e.g. fundamentalists religion movement. Taylor defines fundamentalism as a group of people who perceive challenge, don’t tolerate it, reaffirm belief and oppose those who challenge it. This involves reassertion of traditional moral and religious values against changes taken place e.g. under the last Shah in Iran went under change. There was a liberation of traditional attitudes but then in 79 revolution changed and was reversed. They are fundamentalists in all groups.