In "The Garden-Party", Mansfield challenges general assumptions of social classes by showing that there could be redeeming features among the working class as well as less-than-desirable traits in the upper class. To what extent do you agree?

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Karan Kirpalani

English Literature

‘Garden Party’

In "The Garden-Party", Mansfield challenges general assumptions of social classes by showing that there could be redeeming features among the working class as well as less-than-desirable traits in the upper class. To what extent do you agree?

        To be able to understand Mansfield’s work, we have to understand the time in which her work was published. “The Garden-Party” was published at a time when modern-prose was developing and becoming popular. Modern prose was generally aimed at challenging and rebelling against the very shallow and narrow-minded society which existed by speaking of things that were considered taboo. There was a great difference between the upper and lower classes at this time. I do agree that this story challenges general assumptions of social classes which existed the time

         This story is aimed at scrutinizing and exposing the upper classes through comparing them with the lower classes whose qualities are revealed. From the start, we can already come to see that the Sheridan family sought to impress their guests intentionally with roses which would be noticeable and admired. The very word ‘impress’ creates an impression on the reader that they have a great need to do so. It seems that almost without their ability to impress, they are nobodies.

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        Mansfield is only able to bring out the flaws of the upper class, by showing us the distance and difference between the upper and lower class. Mansfield emphasizes Laura’s discomfort with holding bread and butter in front of these poor people as she was ‘fearful’ and ‘ashamed’. We are reminded of this fact once again when Laura points to the lawn using her empty hand. Another example of the segregation between classes is when Laura considers whether it was respectful for a workman to talk about bang slap in the eye. It is obvious that she is not able ...

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