In your opinion, is this view consistent with Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ideas as expressed in The Social Contract?

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TMA 05 – Art History and Philosophy

The feeling of another person should never be imposed upon us as a law, (Caspar David Friedrich, in Block 3,p.194)

In your opinion, is this view consistent with Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s ideas as expressed in The Social Contract?

Friedrich’s opinion that the feelings of another person should never be imposed upon us as a law differ from Rousseau who suggests that conforming to the general will is best for the individual and the whole of society.   Rousseau states that for the greater good people will think and vote in a similar way, such as laws to protect society, therefore when people act and think for the benefit of society they are acting in the general will, the will of the people, and if they do not act in this way they should be forced to act in the general will.

‘People should submit their will to the general will which cannot be wrong and whoever refused would be subject to compulsion, so to express the general will is to express every man's common will’.  (In the words of Rousseau)

The reason Rousseau argues that an individual’s particular will is a product of appetite, therefore selfish.  While the general will is a product of reason, thinking logically about the good of all.  Therefore acting upon appetite is slavish and bad, and acting upon reason is noble and good.  Rousseau proposes that we should all therefore be noble and good, and obey the general will for the good of all.  (A103)

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However we encounter problems when people disagree over what is the best course of action to resolve a problem; Rousseau suggests that for any question society faces there is a single correct answer, yet to get to this answer people are to reason in the same way.  

While some people may act in their own interests, and should be forced to agree with the general will.  While others may be mis-informed and therefore disagree, Rousseau suggests they reasoned incorrectly and have false beliefs, therefore the decision they reached would not have been the one they wanted.  However those who ...

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